Climate Change in the United states, Global warming is a long-term change in the structure of the Earth climate system resulting from human activities including of burning of fossil energy, cutting down trees, or industrial uses. These activities result in enhancement of the emission of greenhouse gases such as Carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O). Green house gases prevent heat from the sun from escaping back to space and hence increase the average temperature of the Earth surface generally referred to as global warming.
Global climate change increases temperature and lengthens the period of drought which favors’ the occurrence of severe wildfires. These fires not only burn huge tracts of land but also lead to thousands of dollars in damages, uproot people from their homes and menace the quality of air that is breathed by the population (Urry,2015).
Climate change also freezes up many other aspects of the environment and human life. These are the results of melting of polar ice caps. Hence, accumulation of glacier leads to the increase of frequency and extent of floods . APA
Climate Change in the United states
Extreme weather conditions increase the occurrence of storms. They also cause high and extreme temperatures and variations in the pattern of rainfall. They disrupt growing and water resources as well as affect the balance of Species. Moreover, climate change affects the existence of groups of organisms. This is due to the inability of species to adapt to climate change situations fast enough .
However, one should make a distinction between weather and climatic shift. Climate means long-term climatic conditions which are not as variable as that of the weather, for instance the day-to-day temperatures. Climate change impacts affect the physical environment and human environment by having deep and broad consequences.