Annotated Bibliography: The Digital Skills of Computing Graduates
Esteve-Mon, F., Llopis, M. and Adell-Segura, J., 2020. Digital competence and computational thinking of student teachers. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 15(2), pp.29-41.
Intended Audience:
For this audience, most of the times, educational researchers, student teachers, and the policymakers in the area of education. APA
Main Content and Arguments:
It concerns the student teachers’ digital competence together with their computational thinking abilities. The authors claim that they are relevant for future educators as they foster appropriate technological use in classrooms. They call for displacement of training programs focusing on these competencies among student teachers.
Research Methods Employed:
This research work adopted a quantitative research design, administered surveys to gather information from student teachers on their digital skills as well as computational thinking skills. Firstly, Quantitative analysis was used in this study to determine trends, correlations, and potential phenomena associated with the collected data.
Nouri, J., Zhang, L., Mannila, L. and Norén, E., 2020. Development of computational thinking, digital competence and 21st century skills when learning programming in K-9. Education Inquiry, 11(1), pp.1-17.
Annotated Bibliography: The Digital Skills of Computing Graduates
Intended Audience:
Firstly, we begin with Science teachers, curriculum planners, educators, and scholars in the area of K-9 education.
Main Content and Arguments:
The focus of this paper is to understand and elucidate the positive effects of introducing programming. Its framework of K-9 education to foster computational thinking, digital competence, and 21st-century skills. Additionally, In this article, the authors emphasize using programming as a tool in learning processes in early education years to prepare children to work in the digital world. Moreover, they articulate several educational practices and instructional methods that can be used to facilitate this integration.
Research Methods Employed:
A dual methodology was employed in this study where both qualitative interviews and quantitative questionnaire were used. Also, It collects a great deal of information from the students and teachers. Secondly, This study investigated effects of programming education on students’ skills enhancement. It used longitudinal and cross-sectional data to draw the findings.